
Walking in the open air, amidst stretches of land, trees, pathways, watersides – was, for me, a novel and ideal way to create an opportunity for clarifying my thoughts and addressing difficulties that I was – almost subconsciously, facing. The first miracle that happened was that, during the first walk, it gradually became possible to identify a number of current preoccupations which were on my mind, and to express them concretely, and with Wulan’s guidance, I formulated a set of questions to be answered during the subsequent walks.

Wulan has great empathy, and with her gentle voice, and an excellent facility with the English language, she skilfully led the process of moving on from the formulation of the question, to the search for possible answers. She paced the walks well, they were neither too brisk, nor too lazy – to begin with, each time, she ensured that I became aware of the new environment, its freshness, its colours and perfumes, its lack of demands, its openness – all of which help in the realisation of questions, and the search for answers.

She patterned the series of walks expertly – changing the scene each time helped me to identify the process more easily than if we’d repeated the same walk; each walk led on, as did the discussions, from the previous ones. Her recall of the previous times was excellent and served to ease the transition from the initial state (of some confusion) to a point where she helped me create a new clarity of vision, alongside a plan of action – initially for the end goal, but also for the following meeting. She remembered not only the big questions, but all the small details. There was no risk of losing track – either literally, or mentally, during the walks. It was wonderful to be listened to, and to have the time to formulate my thoughts thoroughly.

Every time, before closing the session, she would bring together all the ideas that had emerged, and make a clear plan. Alongside the talking, quietness also had a significant role to play in the whole experience – time to be still, and simply be, observe, gaze, feel, meditate and think.

I would highly recommend Wulan as the ideal Walk & Talk coach – to guide, gently and productively, along this novel way of coming to acknowledge where you ‘’are’’ now, where you would like to be, and how to move along in the right direction.

Ruth, Muziekleraar met pensioen. Musicus.

Na een reorganisatie kwamen er veel veranderingen. Ik vond het lastig mijn draai hierin te vinden. Ook de relatie met mijn leidinggevende liep stroef. Ik wilde weer positief en met plezier naar mijn werk gaan. Het was heerlijk om buiten te lopen; ik kreeg letterlijk meer lucht, en de mist in m’n hoofd klaarde op. Door de oefeningen heb ik weer grip gekregen op bepaalde gebeurtenissen, en lukte het om op een positieve manier met situaties om te gaan die ik eerder lastig vond. Ik heb daardoor meer zelfvertrouwen gekregen. Wulan kan goed luisteren en samenvatten, waardoor je zelf tot inzicht komt.

Inge, Medewerker Woningcorporatie